PDP Era of Voodoo Economics, Abandoned Projects, Institutionalised Corruption Long Forgotten

President Muhammadu Buhari has listed nine people-focused priority areas that his administration will focus on in its remaining time in office. However, the failed opposition Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) chooses to dwell on its ignominious past and practices where voodoo economics, abandoned projects, institutionalised corruption among other frauds was the order of the day.

At this point it will be a complete waste of time joining issues with the PDP which failed as a government and has become shockingly rudderless as a supposed opposition party. One thing is clear, we are reminded why the PDP should never be allowed to direct the country's affairs again.

Under the President Buhari-led APC government, is Nigeria Africa's largest economy? Yes. Are we beginning to eat what we grow? Yes. Have we achieved a sustainable petroleum pricing template? Yes. Is institutionalised corruption and impunity still the norm? No. Is money spent on ongoing infrastructure projects being accounted for? Yes. With our steady climb in the global ease of doing business index, is Nigeria a profitable investment destination? Yes. 

For us in the APC, we will join well-meaning Nigerians in supporting and ensuring the achievements of President Buhari's priority areas which will see among others, improved access to quality education, affordable health care, enhanced productivity, a thriving and sustainable economy, enhanced social inclusion and poverty reduction, enlarged agricultural output, energy sufficiency in power and petroleum products, expanded transport and other infrastructural development, business growth, entrepreneurship and industrialisation, fight against corruption, improved governance, social cohesion and improved security for all.

Nigerians will rather look with pride as newly constructed and launched rail services pass through their towns and upgraded airports that dot many state capitals. While there remains many more to do, we are definitely on the right trajectory of growth and development under the President Buhari government.


Yekini Nabena

Deputy National Publicity Secretary 

All Progressives Congress (APC)


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