Chat with Kunle

Welcome to this series of chat about life issues. This is going to be an online media space for having deep conversations about biggest day-to-day challenges, setting goals, finding purpose in life, roles of families and friends, politics and how it trumps everything, faith and religiosity, emotional matters and every other issues germane to our existence and happiness.

Chat with Kunle will be a vehicle for cutting edge views and news on the most pressing personal and general issues of our times: Here, we will also seek out stories which showcase the challenges and successes of developing  positive social relationship. 

I hope these articles will stimulate informed debate and a lively exchange of ideas. I look forward to receiving your feedback on all issues. I also encourage your input on topics to be covered in future issues.

Please enjoy reading the first episode. 

We look forward to addressing many more challenging topics in the days ahead.


"To be pushed around by the fears in your mind is a choice, and to be led by the dreams in your heart is also a choice."

Finding Purpose and Fulfillment.

The difference between people who find purpose and fulfillment and people who don’t is that the people who find it always have faith that if they keep working on it, they will eventually find their passion. Or if they are one of the lucky ones, they will find it very quickly. They know that it is worth it, and they don’t give up. They’ve realized that the most valuable time investment is in researching who they are and what they really want.

I know that at times you might feel that it doesn’t exist, that you will never find it, or that it only happens for certain people. You might feel like you have tried so hard already and nothing has worked yet, but don’t give up! You could find it tomorrow. Be one of the people who finds a meaningful life by taking the time to make it happen despite all the uncertainty you might be feeling.

We live in a world driven by commodities where we are wired to believe that we are not enough and that real happiness comes from things we do not have.

The problem with this mindset is that, no matter how much success we achieve, we will always feel there are greater things to acquire. Several time we struggle to buy that new car or those new shoes or build that mansion or marry that lovely gentleman/lady or travel to those exotic places. Soon after achieving those desires, the objects lose their appeal, that mansion becomes ordinary, that shoe becomes like every other one. The truth is, happiness does not come from external stuffs, true and lasting happiness is within.

Real fulfillment comes from acknowledging your own success and growth. When you're able to take a break from the hustle and bustle of life and reflect on the improvement and changes in your life, you will feel a sense of meaning and purpose. Counting your blessings and showing gratitude for those improvements propels you with the motivation to continue striving for success, and makes all of your sacrifices worthwhile.

To acquire and appreciate success and to discover fulfillment, you must challenge yourself to grow, contribute to others, live in the present moment, learn from hardship, end your sense of entitlement, understand what your core values are, connect to something larger than you are and most importantly, Don’t give up!.

Imagine you are on your deathbed and you are looking back on your life. What would you be thinking of?  You would be thinking of the things that mattered most, not the little stuffs we bug our minds with. You won’t care about that job you didn't love or passionate about. But you might regret the 80 hours a week you worked and never saw your family or that you lived your life in a way that others expected of you. 

Some are lucky to be faced with life experiences that make them become fixated on the real meaning of life. Experience that will completely change the way they look at and lived their lives.

You may also reflect upon your relationships with loved ones, if you made a difference, or if you helped others. You might think about your experiences and vacations, if you were a good father, mother, friend, son  daughter, or if you can leave behind a legacy.

When death, the inevitable come, we all want to look back and have dignity to know that we have lived the best life possible. Use these rules to ensure you make that happen. I promise you won’t regret it.


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