Femi, who is bankrolling you?

By Kunle Oni

David Oluwafemi Adewunmi Abdulateef Fani-Kayode is a Nigerian politician, essayist, poet and a lawyer. He was a member of the ruling Peoples Democratic Party (PDP). He was with the opposition's All Progressive Congress (APC) until June 2014 when he returned to the ruling Peoples Democratic Party. Although his family lineage originates from Osun, he was born in Lagos, on 16 October 1960 to Chief Victor Babaremilekun Adetokunboh Fani-Kayode and to Chief (Mrs) Adia Adunni Fani-Kayode. He is an Ile-Ife chieftain of Yoruba descent.

Fani-Kayode was the Special Assistant (Public Affairs) to President Olusegun Obasanjo from July 2003 until June 2006. He was appointed the Minister of Culture and Tourism of the Federal Republic of Nigeria from 22 June to 7 November 2006 and as the Minister of Aviation from 7 November 2006 to 29 May 2007.

Today, Femi is a strong voice in the Nigerian political atmosphere. Though by my estimate Femi Fani-Kayode has no electoral values in terms of delivering votes, nevertheless, his views and comments are a force to put into consideration for any political family.

Femi was the one who created the concept of "Fulanization of Nigeria" when he lost out at the founding stage of the APC. Same Femi was among those who planted the seed of Islamising Nigeria in the hearts of Nigerians against the same party during the same period.

So for any political household, when Femi puts pen on paper, what he writes must certainly become something to be concerned about. Former president Obasanjo once said "Femi Fani Kayode is my boy. Provide him food, he will eat and then sing for you. He’s a smart boy."

So it did not come as a surprise when Femi put together a delegate to visit the Southern part of the country. On arrival, his first point of call was the government house in Uyo.

Next was a press conference where he invited selected pressmen to explain the purpose(s) of his tour. During this interview, a reporter from Leadership asked who if any, was bankrolling Fani-Kayode for the tour he has embanked on. This question obviously infuriated the former minister.

Fani-Kayode insulted Charles for asking him if his recent trips across the country were being sponsored during the press conference in Calabar, Cross Rivers State.

But in a series of tweets the next day, Fani-Kayode said he regretted his action, which had made him offend many of his friends in the media.

I watched the video where Femi gave a dressing-down to the journalist who asked him an innocuous question which “the Almighty” found irritating and pesky, “Who is bankrolling your tour?” That was it! Femi emptied the content of his pugnacious buccal cavity on the journalist. He called him stupid and expended minutes chopping the reporter to insignificant bits.

One is forced to wonder what makes such a question "stupid". The only readily available answer to that is the fact that guys like Femi got used to butt-licking journalists who collect envelopes for every "arranged" interview. 

Journalists are permitted to  ask "stupid questions". What is required of Femi is to give answers that are not stupid.

What exactly is the fuss about being bankrolled? Donald Trump, Mohamadu Buhari and several leaders around the globe had their elections sponsored either by donations or other forms of contributions. 

The most laughable part was when Femi tried a self-praising stunt by narrating how he has suffered for Nigeria.Very laughable.

Femi Fani-Kayode creates himself into a viripotens. His arrogance dovetails with his foul temper and cutting tongue. There is no shade of modesty, temperance and grace in the son of Fani Power. He is a replica of his dad. Badly trained. 

Why was he so enraged by the question? He could have simply wrecked whatever the insinuations on the tour was with an intelligent, polite and not “stupid” response. Perhaps, he felt he was being scandalized? His outpouring exposed his pretenses. Femi is critical of anyone who does not flow with or favour him, and his approach to opposition is both savage and irrational.

This is a guy who once called Buhari “an evil tyrant”. But it is clear; the politician would have been a more ruthless tyrant if he was sitting on the throne. He pleasures himself insulting other people, but he brooks no opposition.

Nigerian journalists must redeem themselves from the curse of “brown envelopes” whereby monetary inducement is given to journalists to make them write a positive story or kill a negative story.

Journalism is a noble profession, deserving of respect. Some journalists act like peasants before politicians for crumbs. So, naturally, they cannot stand up to them.

Brown envelope journalism may be as a result of the poor remuneration of journalists. Many journalists' salaries are not paid on time and media houses sometimes justify this non-payment by telling their employees to use the media platform to earn money.

There are instances whereby media houses owe journalist upward of six months' salary.

The effect of this form of journalism is that there is a shift in journalism from being a fourth estate to a publicity seeking outlet available to the highest bidder; integrity, objectivity and balance is weakened as a result and news is commercialized. It also creates an avenue for publicity seeking journalists to write commentaries that is intended to address personalities and not sensitive issues. Hence the Nigerian media is weakened and inefficient and cannot function independently of politicians and businessmen.


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